Friday, February 7, 2014

Let the Games Begin

I find it a little unsettling that the Olympics began before the Opening ceremonies.  I know it happens in the summer, too, but television coverage didn't begin in earnest before the Opening Ceremonies in 2012.  Last night, full prime time coverage.  Tonight, Opening Ceremonies.  Just seems wrong.  When you consider that the events competed yesterday were two events I have criticized, Slopestyle Snowboard and Team Figure Skating, well, yeah, unsettling.

We did get one gem last night...Bob Costas's eye.  This is the perfect opening image of the Sochi Winter Games.  I wrote yesterday about security, I touched on human rights violations and I at least mentioned the weather.  I did not discuss preparedness.  After posting yesterday I read an article about journalists and hotel rooms.  Apparently, some of the hotels aren't quite ready.  The tweets about water are particularly interesting, especially the "don't wash your face."  Is it OK to shower?

Back to Bob.  Bob announced that he woke up with a red and swollen eye and was told he has an "infection."  Yeah, Bob, it's called conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye.  Most parents of small children could have told you that.  You didn't need the NBC Medical team for a diagnosis.  You may have needed them for the drops.  Oh, and don't touch anyone anywhere for the next week.  People don't like pink eye.

Bob now looks like a James Bond villian.  I received a text from my Volleyball Insider praising Bob's eye.  I was recording the show and didn't know what he was talking about at the time.  When I later started watching, I was mesmerized.  I actually thought he looked a bit like Dr. Evil with one eye half closed and the other wide open.  The hair doesn't fit, though.  Regardless, the combination of bad water, unprepared hotel rooms and Bob's pink eye was an interesting and enjoyable start to these games.

Reflections on What Has Happened (Focus for this will be on US sports and medals, but we will touch on other stuff as time permits)

Well, not much, yet.  Regardless:

1.  Slopestyle Snowboard - This was a let down.  No big crashes and a bunch of people doing the same thing.  I never go into "skater culture" and I have never been snowboarding.  I understand that there is a great deal of athleticism and courage necessary to do these tricks, but we watched girl after girl start, jump on and slide down a rail, do it again, then fly off three big hills and spin 1-2 times.  That was it.  They basically all did the exact same thing.  Except the one girl who landed on her face.  Then we watched a bunch of boys do the same thing, except they fly higher and spin more.

2.  Jeremy Abbott looked like a deer in headlights right before he skated in the team competition.  Then he skated like one.  I have no idea whether skating after Plushenko should have been a big deal or not.  But he was clearly not ready for it.

3.  Scott Hamilton is entertaining as a commentator.  Sandra Bezic is borderline unbearable.  When Plushenko was skating she stated, with unimaginable admiration, "He's a rock star."  That might have been the only thing she said his entire routine.  I wish Tom Hammond had quoted Harry Doyle, "Dynamite drop-in, Monte. That broadcast school has really paid off."  When the Meagan Dumahel and Eric Radford, the Canadian pair, were skating, she commented that the routine let Radford  flourish without diminishing Duhamel.  I have no idea what she was talking about, unless it was the 13 inch height difference between them.

4.  What is up with height differences?  The US pair combined 6'4" Simon Shnapir with  5'0" Marissa Castelli.  Shnapir literally looked like a lumberjack when he skated onto the ice.  But you have to love his dad's outfit.  (Sadly, I can't find a picture.)  Shnapir's parents are from Russia.  Dad was dressed like an overblown Uncle Sam.  Perhaps they want to emphasize that they are now Americans, for fear of ending up like Mikhail Barishnykov in White Nights.

5.  Why was Russian pairs skater Maxim Trankov dressed like a naval officer from a retro Broadway show?

6.  The one major problem with the Winter Olympics is that too many events are decided by scores and judges.  I found this frustrating while watching last night.  Maybe that is why I am excited about biathlon.

7.  Bode Miller had the best time in the first downhill practice run.  They actually announced that last night.  Who cares?  Are we really talkin' about practice?  What do you think about that, Allen?

Predictions Recap

1. US gets bronze in Men's hockey, gold in Women's. - Pending

2. Shaun White wins his 3rd gold medal. - Pending

3. Ashley Wagner shocks the world with a bronze. - Pending

4. Opening Ceremonies goes to commercial right after the delegation from Latvia enters the stadium. - Pending

5. Mikaela Shiffrin becomes the darling of these games. - Pending

6. US beats Russia in both total medals and golds. - Pending, although not looking good if last night's figure skating is any sign

7. Someone leaves the slope style course on a stretcher. - Pending, but close last night

8. I will watch more biathlon than anyone else in America. - Pending

9. Newfound US dominance in Nordic combined will continue. - Pending

10. Putin will be on TV more during these Olympics than Kate Middleton was in 2012. And that's a bad thing, because Kate is much more fun to look at, for everyone except my Baltic States Insider. - So far, so good.


1.  One medal for US in Men's Snowboard Slopestyle, let's say bronze.

2.  Hannah Kearney gets gold in Women's Moguls.

3.  No other medals for US on Saturday.

4.  Ashley Wagner and Meryl Davis/Charlie White get US into top 5 for Team Figure Skating.

5.  Bob Costas threatens to blow up the world unless he is given "One Mill-i-on Dollars."

6.  US Women beat Finland in hockey, 4-1.

What to Watch For

1.  The only intrigue is whether Lithuania gets live coverage during the Opening Ceremonies.  Apparently the Ceremony will celebrate 1000 years of Russian history.  Do you think this will include the Stalin Era purges?

2.  Women's hockey at 3 am Saturday.

3.  The first Biathlon events.

Random Fact of the Day

It is impossible to impersonate Mathew McConaughey without smiling and feeling happy.

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