Tuesday, August 7, 2012


In ancient Roman times, people went to stadiums to watch gladiators fight and kill each other.  Or lions eat people.  They called this fun.  These were the civilized people of ancient times.

Today, we amuse ourselves in other ways.  However, on occassion, we see something that bears a resemblance, as slight as it may be, to those ancient gladiator battles to the death.  Yesterday was one of those times.

The US defeated Canada in the women's soccer semifinals yesterday, 4-3 in extra time.  That's the short story.  It tells you about as much as "the lion won" told the Ancient Romans.  Of course, the outcome wasn't the point to the Romans, and it isn't the point to us.  The point is how we got to that conclusion.

I won't go into the details of the game.  If you saw it, you know what happened.  If you didn't, there are tons of stories available to read about it, and you can watch a full replay here.  What you will see is two gladiators fighting to the death.  Two groups of women who refused to yield to their opponent.  One Canadian who almost lifted an entire team to heights never before reached.  One American who dealt a final, cruel blow to her opponent.  All this in just two hours of soccer.

Canada's three goals were all scored by Christine Sinclair.  Sinclair is now tied with Abby Wambach for the second most number of international goals, each with 143.  American Mia Hamm has the record with 158.  Sinclair was brilliant.  She fought hard, put herself in the right positions and finished strong.  She also looked intimidating and tenacious throughout the match.  Sinclair is one of those people who you love when she is on your team and you hate when she is on the opposing team.  Oh, how I hate her.  But, as I write this, I don't hate her.

My Volleyball Insider is a better person and a better sports fan than I am.  He appreciates excellence in all its forms.  I want US domination.  I only appreciate excellence after the fact.  After the hurt of the loss has subsided, I can sometimes, sometimes, look back and appreciate what I saw.  That is how I feel about Sinclair.  She was fantastic.  She made me hate her for all the right reasons.  She deserved better than losing a game in which the other team only led for the final 30 seconds.  But that is sports.  Triumph and tragedy.  At least no one got eaten by a lion.

Today's Olympic Story Line - Men's Triathlon.  The men's triathlon was on live this morning.  This is the fourth time the triathlon has been in the Olympics and two men have competed in all four Olympic triathlons, Canadian Simon Whitfield and American Hunter Kemper.  Not surprisingly, they were the two oldest competitiors in the field.  Whitfield has had the better Olympic career, winning gold in 2000 and silver in 2008.  He was selected to carry Canada's flag in the Opening Ceremonies in 2012, a fitting honor to a 4 time Olympian.  Sadly, Whitfield crashed out of today's race, an unfair end to a great Olympic career.

Kemper has not had the Olympic success as his fellow four-time Olympian.  His best place prior to 2012 was 7th in 2008.  Just making it in 2012 was an accomplishment.  Kemper broke his elbow in 2011 and had to stop swimming for several months in early 2012.  In the midst of this, his wife gave birth to their third son.  Kemper finished today's race, but didn't place as well as he would have liked.  He has also said Rio may be on the schedule, although that may be tough at the age of 40.  A fifth Olympics for Kemper would be quite an accomplishment.  I would say four already is, too.

Reflections on What Has Happened (Focus for this will be on US sports and medals, but we will touch on other stuff as time permits) -

1.  Rosenthal/Gibb ruined my double US gold in beach volleyball prediction.  Thanks, guys.

2.  McKalay Maroney won silver in the individual vault competition.  This was a GIANT upset as she was a HUGE favorite.  Of course, it is hard to win when you land on your butt in the second vault (go to 1:24:19 here).  I have never seen someone so disgusted at winning a silver medal.  She went from shocked, to shell shocked to absolute bitch mode in about 6 seconds.  It probably didn't help that the sobbing Romanian who won gold forced her into a hug.  Then McKayla literally gave the Russian who won bronze the cold shoulder, refusing to hug her.  Watch more of the video linked above for that.  I didn't see the medal ceremony (also may be in the video), but heard she had not cheered up by then.

3.  In case you didn't hear, the US women's soccer team beat Canada with a goal in the 122nd minute by Alex Morgan.

4.  We are very bad at field hockey.

5.  Gabby Douglas finished 8th out of 8 in the uneven bars final.  I am not criticizing at all, but I wonder if she is enjoying being the all-around gold medalist instead of preparing for what's next.  I hope so.  She's earned it, and this is something you can only do once.  Usually.

6.  Flat water kayak looks pretty cool, especially the four man.  Flat water canoe looks stupid, painful and awkward.

7.  Jenn Suhr follows up her 2008 silver in the pole vault with a gold in 2012.  I still love the diva, Isinbayeva.

8.  How did the US have no one in the men's 400m final?

9.  Nice, easy win for US Men's indoor volleyball over Tunisia.  Now for the medal rounds.

Predictions Wrap Up -

1. Gibb/Rosenthal come through for me. - WRONG
2. US women advance in soccer. - Correct
3. France destroys the World Cup redemption story by upsetting Japan. - WRONG - 2-1 Japan.
4. US Men lose to Hungary in water polo. - Correct
5. NBC continues to show entirely too much equestrian. (Seriously, what is up with that? Who is watching this? Once the chances of a 57 year old falling off the horse and stumbling around like a three year old in a life jacket who just randomly spun in circles for five minutes went to 0, the appeal disappeared.) - Correct -Another 3 hours at least on NBC daytime coverage.  Although that worked for me, as I was woefully behind and able to catch up by skipping the horse games.
6. An angry US Men's basketball team beats Argentina by 20 - Correct - 126-97

What to Watch For -

1.  My list of sports that don't belong in the Olympics.
2.  What will I talk about after the Olympics?
3.  Women's beach volleyball:  Misty/Kerri and Kessy/Ross in action.  Don't sleep on Jen Kessy, she's going for the gold...and the pink.
4.  Men's track cycling Keirin finals - Seriously, you have to watch this.  It is a 1000 m race, but for the first 700 meters or so, there's a moped leading the cyclist (go to 1:59:45 in the video).  I'm serious, they have some dude on a moped pacing the cyclists.  That is my new dream job.  The guy driving the moped in the Keirin race.  That may be my ticket into the Olympics.
5.  Shockingly, even more equestrian.
6.  Almost as shocking, more sailing.
7.  And even more shocking, more gymnastics.
8.  Women's 100 m hurdles - Lolo goes for redemption.
9.  Men's 1500 meter run

Predictions -

1.  US women win both beach volleyball matches.
2.  Lolo doesn't get redemption.  Harper wins gold in 100 hurdles.
3.  US Women win Water Polo semis v. Australia.
4.  US Women's Indoor Volleyball wins quarterfinals making it 3 for 3 for US women in volleyball.
5.  NBC tries to ram Synchro Swimming down our throats.

Fat Old Man Update -

Swam 2100 last night.  I did not feel like a real swimmer.  I am trying to determine what my goals are.  Right now, I would go with feeling like a real swimmer instead of a slug with shoulders made out of stone.

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