Sunday, February 4, 2018

I Hate Thanksgiving - Part 5

I hate Thanksgiving.  I hate Thanksgiving so much, I couldn't even muster the inspiration to write about it this year at Thanksgiving time.  IT MAKES SENSE TO ME!  Not really, but I am generally filled with a lack of motivation.  For a lot of things, not just this blog.

For my 7 or 8 loyal readers, my hatred of Thanksgiving is not really a surprise.  I guess at this point my lack of motivation is not really a big surprise either.  That is something we are hoping The 2018 Winter Olympics will cure.  Unfortunately, I am tired.  Life as a Suburban Sports Dad takes its toll and something has to give.  Something like this blog, which I actually enjoy.  Housework and taxes have also given, which is a bigger problem, but that is my problem (and The Wife's problem), not yours.

So, to get us back on track, I decided to go with my hate.  So here, in honor of a holiday that passed two months ago and is supposed to be about giving thanks, I give you an incomplete and completely random list of things I hate.

Thanksgiving - perhaps we already went over that.

This Super Bowl - most people are rooting for the Eagles, because, well, they hate the Patriots.  I can't root for the Eagles, so I am just a hater.

The state of our country - this blog post seems appropriate, given that hate seems to be the operative word in our country right now.  Republicans hate Democrats.  Democrats hate Republicans.  People hate people.  Can't we all just get along?

Cold weather with no snow - give me snow or give me spring.  Not as meaningful or catchy as "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!"  However, I think my rallying cry is something many people can get behind.

Random side note:  So I am watching the Super Bowl and there are a bunch of commercials for the Olympics.  Are those coming up some time soon?  You'd think with the number of chances to make another $3 million, NBC wouldn't have that many commercials for their own show.

Back to the hate.

This cat sitting next to me who yowls at me almost every morning at 5:30 am.

The fact that I have to go to work tomorrow.

Animal commercials.  Seriously, just stop.

Commercials that I don't understand.

Being tired.

Being whiny.

The comment that Tony Dungy just made.

I hate that we still don't know what happened to Tupac and Biggie

I hate Pepsi.  No, Pepsi is not OK.  I want a Coke.  Preferably a Cherry Coke.

But most of all, I hate that for the 4th Olympics since I started this blog, I will be watching the Olympics at home and not getting paid to do this from Pyeongchang.  Might be time to re-think  number of my life choices.

Of course, as you all know, I LOVE the Olympics.  Team Figure Skating, the greatest addition to the Winter Olympics since Snowboard Cross, starts Thursday.  THURSDAY!  The Winter Olympics are so freaking awesome they have to start early with one of the best competitions.  Not to mention several curling matches.  All before Friday's Opening Ceremony!  So, I got that going for me.  LET GO THE HATE!  BRING ON THE LOVE!  I love the Olympics.  I love biathlon.  I love curling.  And I am not afraid to admit that I love Mikaela Shiffrin.  Yes, it is true.  I love that skiing monster who is always faster than the boys.

It is time to get off my whiny butt and get ready for the greatest sports event in the world.  Even while I am watching something other people would call the greatest sports event in the world.

So, in the next few weeks..OMG!  4 days?  Well, in the next 4 days we need to get the rules and a preview.  And we really need a DC blizzard to give me the time I need to watch the Olympics in the way I am accustomed to.

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