Saturday, February 10, 2018

And It Begins

We've had figure skating, moguls, curling, training and controversy.  But until this moment, we have not had the Opening Ceremony.  The Olympics have become so big, it has to start before it starts.  I can understand why NBC wants to show Tara and Johnny as much as possible, but when you have to start before you start, maybe you have gone a little too far.  Maybe?  Nah.  We love the Olympics.  Let's have more and let's get started.

So here I sit, warm sofa, warm blanket and the cat, ready to begin.  Ready for the Ceremony, the spectacle, the stories and the athletes.  For the Opening Ceremony, I am going to try something new.  I am going to write my blog as I watch.  No reflections, just immediate reaction.

8:08 - The opening just finished.  I love Mikaela, I really want Nathan Chen to crush it, and as The Wife just said, "I hate Canada during the Winter Olympics."
8:09 - Already too much talk about Mike Pence and North Korea.
8:15 - Maybe we should talk to some athletes other than Shawn White and Lindsay Vonn.
8:17 - I still love Mikaela.  Not sure that is going to change any time soon.
8:22 - I really miss a live opening ceremony.  START ALREADY!!
8:24 - RESTON VA!!!  GO MAAME BINEY!!  Reston, VA is about 5 miles from the nice warm seat I am currently sitting in, as well as the birthplace of all 3 of my sons.  It is great to see a local woman in the Olympics and even better to have the first African American woman to compete in short track be from RESTON, VA!  Yes, I may be a bit of a homer.
8:28 - Hey, they started.  I was beginning to worry there.
8:29 - The aerial shot with the ski jump and, is that the bobsled course, in the background is awesome.
 8:31 - Let's make sure we put some elementary aged children in a position to get crushed by giant icicles.  And eaten by a light tiger.
8:32 - I think we need to put a white tiger in the White House.
8:40 - "Some of what you are seeing on the screen we can't see in the stadium.  It is augmented reality".  Is that like alternate facts?  Fake news?
8:42 - A large number of people wearing the same outfit and banging on drums in unison.  I think we saw this in 2008.
8:46 - As the drummers finished and colored into the Korean flag, The Wife said, "Looks like the Pepsi symbol."
8:49 - Why isn't Psy singing the national anthem?  Were they playing bagpipes?
8:52 - Ghana is very excited to be there.  As is Nigeria.
8:53 - Why are all the African countries first in the Korean alphabet?
8:55 - Lots of love for the New Zealand flag bearers cape.  Here at home and with Katie Couric.
8:56 - Why is Mikaela Shiffrin carrying the Danish flag.
8:58 - The Wife was very concerned that the Olympic Opening Ceremony tradition of going to commercial right before Latvia was going to continue.  Luckily, it did not.  In case you didn't know, Latvia once wrote an Op-Ed piece about always getting skipped over for commercials during the telecast of the Opening Ceremony.
8:59 - I am getting a fascinating ongoing commentary on the hats of each country from The Wife.  You are all missing out.
9:03 - Awesome hat on the Mexican flag bearer.  So says me and so says the Wife.
9:06 - How many countries are we skipping for the back to back commercial breaks bookending the Team USA trivia?
9:10 - OK Gangam Style playing.  I knew we couldn't get through this without Psy.  And I really hope you spent some time watching the dancers during the Parade of Nations.
9:11 - You go Elise, indeed.
9:13 - Did the US Team think they were riding horses into the stadium?  No.  Then what's with the gloves?
9:19 - Bermuda in the shorts.  Flag bearer is a Rhodes scholar.  Bermuda wins the Opening Ceremony.
9:20 - How does Belarus have one woman who has won 3 Biathlon medals and the US has no Biathlon medals ever?
9:22 - The Wife likes Bulgaria's hats.
9:22 - Brazil always looks like they are having more fun than you.
9:28 - The Slovaks look goood!
9:29 - For how many Olympics do you think the commentators are going to refer to Micheal PhelpsHow long can we milk that?
9:30 - The Wife about Argentina:  "Ooh, sparkly hats.  I like."
9:32 - Andorra gets an A for participation.  Just as long as they don't get a trophy for participation.
9:34 - I totally called the Estonian flag.  The Wife:  I'm proud of you.
9:36 - Seeing these athletes, I am definitely going to have to do a "You are Beautiful" post.  There are some very good looking people there.    Men and women.  And to prove my point, there is Anna Veith carrying the Austrian flag.
9:41 - Iranian woman carrying the flag and crying.  Nothing else needs to be said.
9:44 - Jamaica.  The only people having more fun than the Brazilians.  Cool Runnings!
9:51 - As if following Rule #1 wasn't hard enough, Tessa Virtue is carrying the Canadian flag.  Even The Wife has commented on the attractiveness of the flag bearers today.  She also once again stated our two week hatred of Canada.
9:53 - The Wife:  "Ooh, capes for the Columbians!"  No comment on the hat, though.  Weird.
9:54 - The Wife just yelled "The Kyrgys are wearing the hats!  We have one!"  It's true.  We do.
9:56 - Switch from basketball to luge.  Yeah, that makes sense.
9:57 - Tonga...nuff said.  Except Taekwondo to Cross Country skiing?  Olympics in both?  I'm feeling rather lacking in my athletic ability and achievements.
10:02 - The Finns are very bright.  To Katie Couric, who said "whatever that is" to her own comment about "Wife Carrying" (a competition in Finland), I think it is self explanatory.
10:05 - The dancers are back to doing the breaststroke.
10:07 - Stadium announcer:  "All athletes, please take your seats."  I guess the part where the athletes matter has come to an end.  We can't let the Koreans enjoy their moment too long.
10:09 - Not a fan of the song.  LOVE the views.
10:14 - The Korean kid steps through a time portal and comes out a doctor.  Can you say stereotype?  I knew you could.
10:16 - If I was in Seoul, I'm pretty sure I would know that I am not in a city that is 300 years in the future.
10:23 - Coming to the realization that I know nothing about Korea.
10:24 - IOC President just said "to the athletes, now is your turn."  Just as long as you stay in your seats.
10:27 - With his messages of peace, diversity and hope, is Thomas Bach speaking directly to Donald trump?
10:29 - I don't believe those were real candles.
10:35 - The skiers and snowboarders and drones and lights and sparklers creating the Olympic rings was really cool.
10:43 - It would have been nice if they told us who the athletic stars of the past and the future who carried the Olympic flag were.
10:44 - Katie just mentioned Mohammed Ali in 1996 lighting the torch.  Trivia question - who handed the torch to him?
10:46 - Having a North Korean and South Korean as the penultimate torch bearers together is very powerful.  Very meaningful.
10:48 - Yuna Kim - good choice.  Cool lighting.

Well done South Korea.  Let's get started.

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