Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 1 Full Slate

You are looking a computer screen...or a smartphone..or a tablet...or something.  I used to love Brent Musburger's opening of the CBS NFL pre-game show with a "You are looking live..." for each game CBS was covering that day.  I thought it would be appropriate to open this year with his classic call.  It doesn't really work when we are all looking at a computer screen, or some other electronic device, but it is still fun.

Of course, before we get to see various NFL stadiums and games "live", we had to witness the great American suburban tradition - the beginning of the fall soccer season.  Eldest and Middle began their soccer seasons yesterday at various levels of suburban, youth soccer.  We began our fall season with Middle, who turned 6 on Friday.  The advantage to an early September birthday is that the cut-off date is August 1, so he is one of the oldest players on his team.  The disadvantage is he had to start a year later than planned, and is playing with kids a year behind him in school, including the younger brother of one of his classmates.  So, he can be the diva of the team.  Yesterday I watched my middle child play the perfect role of a South American striker.  He didn't even pretend to play defense.  He stood around basically watching until the ball found itself in the right position.  Then he struck like a cobra.  He went straight to the ball, advanced down field and put it in the goal.  This technique worked for two scored goals and one forced own goal.  Christiano Ronaldo - watch out.

I missed Eldest's game because I was busy with a volunteer obligation.  It is amazing how your life disappears when your children start to grow up.  All new parents think a baby changes their lives.  And it does in some ways.  But you do still have some flexibility.  Once they reach about 6, especially when two of them have reached 6, weekends are nothing more than a non-stop run of youth sports, volunteer obligations and food shopping.  I did hear about the game, though.  Eldest volunteered to play goalie.  I thought that would make my Volleyball Insider proud, until he confessed that he wanted to play goalie so he didn't have to run as much.  He let in three, but apparently had 8 saves, including a few good ones.

Youth soccer is an interesting sport.  If one child is aggressive and mildly skilled, he or she can dominate a game up to at least the age of 8.  I have watched multiple seasons of passive defense.  The number of times I have told a player, as both a coach and a parent to go get the ball, instead of running near the player with the ball is enough to make me drive my head through a wooden fence.  Child after child running right next to or in front of an opposing player, making no effort to take the ball.  These kids spend their entire lives as selfish little materialists, then become generous observers on a soccer field.  Ahhhh!

As weekend turns from Saturday to Sunday, we go from youth futbol to professional football.  Week 1:

Indianapolis @ Chicago(-10) - The Colts made the decision to let their last 12 years go to set themselves up for their next 12 years.  Ultimately, I think it was the right choice.  Of course, lightning doesn't strike twice, so Andrew Luck will not be as good as Peyton Manning.  For week 1, Andrew Luck, meet Julius Peppers.  Toto, I don't think we're in Palo Alto anymore.  Chi.

Philadelphia(-9.5) @ Cleveland - Typically a home team gets three points on the line.  So the line tells us Philly is 12.5 points better than Cleveland.  Is Vegas trying to lose money?  Cleveland has been trying to figure out how to win football games since John Elway ripped their hearts out with "The Drive".  In the meantime, Art Modell, may he rest in peace, did Elway one better by taking the Browns to Baltimore, and winning a Super Bowl there.  As for the 2012 Browns, I'm not sure starting a rookie quarterback who can remember when Kurt Cobain was alive is the recipe for success. Phi

Buffalo @ New York Jets (-3) - Tim Tebow Watch:  6 weeks until The Chosen One is starting for the Jets.  Buf

Washington @ New Orleans (-7.5) - This line is more ridiculous than the Philly line.  New Orleans will be playing with fire coming out of their asses.  I just wish they had the sense of humor to give each other Monopoly money after big hits.  (They might, but the League doesn't.)  Robert Griffin III, you're not in Waco anymore.  NO

New England (-5) @ Tennessee - Maybe Belichick is just a better cheater than a coach.  NE

Jacksonville @ Minnesota (-3.5) - Every week in the NFL there is one game so non-descript that I have nothing to say about it.  This week, it is this one.  So, I have nothing to say.  Min

Miami @ Houston (-13) - Too bad Detroit went 0-16 a few years ago.  It would have been poetic justice if Miami became the first 0-16 team to go along with their 17-0 team in 1972.  They could do it this year.  Hou

St. Louis @ Detroit(-8.5) - Detroit could go far this year, if half their team doesn't get suspended by Thanksgiving.  StL

Atlanta(-2.5) @ Kansas City -  In the battle of the Matts this weekend, I'll take Ryan.  Atl

San Francisco @ Green Bay(-4.5) - SF has the look of the classic drop back team this year.  They pulled a big surprise last year, coming within one game of the Super Bowl behind a great defense, a rookie coach and a resurgent top overall draft pick.  This year, they should go about 8-8.  Of course, they play in a division worse than the ACC Coastal Division, so by default, they will win 10 games.  GB

Carolina(-2.5) @ Tampa Bay - Washington fans like to think that Robert Griffin is like Cam Newton.  Other than the 6'5 and built like a stone wall, National Championship in college and proven success in the NFL thing, they are right.  Car

Seattle(-2.5) @ Arizona - There are 5 rookies starting at QB this week:  Weeden in Cleveland against Philly, a favorite to make the Super Bowl in the NFC; Tannehill in Miami against Houston, a favorite to make the Super Bowl in the AFC; Griffin in Washington against NO, a favorite to make the Super Bowl in the NFC; Luck in Indy against Chicago, a legitimate playoff contender; and Russell Wilson in Seattle against Arizona, a favorite to regret their big QB move of the last couple years even more than Seattle.  I...I guess this explains why a team with a losing record last year, starting a rookie QB is a road favorite in week 1.  Ari

Pittsburgh @ Denver(-1.5) - Pittsburgh couldn't beat Denver with Tebow as QB.  Not sure why they would have a better chance with Manning there.  Den

Cincinnati @ Baltimore(-7) - I think the 11th Commandment is "Cincinnati shalt not have back to back winning seasons." Cin

San Diego @ Oakland(-1) - I want Norv Turner's job.  Repeatedly fall short of expectations, never seem to have to pay for it.  SD

Enjoy the games.

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