Wednesday, September 5, 2012

NFL Week 1 - Wednesday Game

This whole Wednesday game is going to throw me off.  I can't believe the NFL changed the game for the President.  That was a gift to the Democrats.  If they put a New York Giants v. Dallas Cowboys game up against the President's speech the game would lose not one decimal point of ratings.  But half the 37 people watching the convention would switch to the game.  This is not political, the same would be true for the Republicans.  I say this because I am simply unprepared to pick all 16 NFL games right now.  But I have to get my pick in for this game.  So this will be my shortest post ever.

Dallas @ NEW YORK GIANTS (-3.5) - Several years ago, actually a bit more than a decade ago I sent NFL picks to a few friends just for fun.  At that time, Eli Manning was at Ole Miss and I designated him as "Our Hero".  In addition to a few comments on the NFL games, I gave a summary of the results of "Our Hero".  Sadly, "Our Hero" was drafted by the Giants.  I am a Cowboys fan and my entire audience was made up of Eagles fans (hmmm...not much has changed in 15 years), so "Our Hero" became our enemy.  For a few years that was fine.  Eli put up some good games and some real stinkers.  He was always good for 4-5 bone-headed interceptions each year.  Then he started winning Super Bowls.  So now he is "Our Nemesis".  It continues tonight.

Dallas on the other hand is the exact opposite of synergy.  The Cowboys whole is equal to less than the sum of its parts.  Some will say this isn't true and that the "talent" on the Cowboys just isn't as good as people, particularly Cowboys fans, think they.  There may be some merit to this, but truthfully, I think they are just a bunch of arrogant jack-asses who think that because they are the Dallas Cowboys they should win, regardless of how hard they try or work.  Meanwhile, Tom Coughlin and the G-Men put on their hard hats and work hard every year, every game, and get a lot more out of their lemons than any other team.  Thus two Super Bowls in 5 years.  Keep in mind, I am a Cowboys fan.

That said, I will have faith that the Cowboys will get close enough to make this game a disappointment.  I see something like a missed field goal at the end, or a Giants field goal to win by one.  Giants win.  Cowboys cover.

The rest of the week will be covered on a later date.  Enjoy the opening of the NFL season.

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