Sunday, November 27, 2016

I Hate Thanksgiving - Part 4

I hate Thanksgiving.  Perhaps I have mentioned this before.  I think I said something about it three years ago.  It is possible I said something a couple years ago.  Last year, my whole family had a lovely Thanksgiving Dinner in Colonial Williamsburg, but that didn't stop me.  I still spent some time from a vacation to express my hate for Thanksgiving.  This year, I just didn't have it in me.  Oh, I still hate Thanksgiving, but I have had writer's block, so I couldn't properly express my feelings.

So, a few days late, I finally give you my annual Thanksgiving post.  Yes, I see the irony in writing every year about (or at least on) a holiday I profess to hate.  You don't come here for profound insights on the world's problems anyway, so a little irony fits in pretty well.

I realize I have been on an extended hiatus.  This is the norm, post Olympics, but this year I let it get a little out of hand.  I never even finished my last Olympics post.  Yes, finished.  I started it.  While on vacation.  It was very self righteous about how great I was for taking time out of my vacation to serve you, my now 10-12 loyal readers.  The problem was it kind of sucked.  And I didn't finish.  So I never posted.  And  Life with three boys and swim teams and soccer practice and jobs and who knows what else.  I let you down.  But we can always count on my hatred of Thanksgiving to bring me back.  I once said I could write about my hatred of Thanksgiving for at least 4 years.  This year is the test of that and I gotta be honest.  I got nothing.

I still don't particularly like Thanksgiving.  I still don't like the food, the tension, the pressure to over-eat or the incessant Black Friday commercials.  But once I get past all that, I got nothing.  There is nothing inherently evil about Thanksgiving.  I just prefer other holidays.

The Wife told me last week that she was shopping with Middle and Youngest and Middle declared, "Mom, did you know that Thanksgiving isn't just about food.  It's about being thankful."  A nice lady a few feet away told The Wife that Middle was adorable and she loved what he just said.  I guess we will ignore that for 10 years Middle thought Americans spend a holiday, and many spend a four day weekend, to celebrate over-eating. #ParentingFailure

When The Wife told me about Middle's declaration, I was convinced he was going to to say that Thanksgiving is about football.  I can't complain about that, because to me, it is about football.  My Thanksgiving depends greatly on the result of the Cowboys game.  So this year, it went pretty well.

Of course, that was just a few hours.  In reality, we had a very nice dinner with The Wife's family.  The Boys played with their cousin.  The Cowboys won.  The chocolate pie, made by he Boys with some help from the Wife, was excellent.  So, all in all, a pretty good day.

I could complain about having to go to work on Friday, getting 2 tickets on the drive to work (yes 2), sleeping poorly on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday nights, the early Saturday wake up call to drive The Boys to swim practice, The Wife deciding this was the weekend we were going to paint the family room, and the general exhaustion I feel all the time, but I am turning over a new leaf.  This year, I am not going to complain about Thanksgiv...damn.  Well, as I have said before, at least I am consistent.

Since I got to this late, I will combine this with my Thankful post.  So, to erase every bad thing above, I give you this non-exhaustive list of things I am thankful for:

A NEW CAR - which we bought for The Wife just yesterday.

Youngest's best friend - who regularly invites him over to play, something we just don't do enough

Rich Williams - my swim coach.  I complain about him regularly, especially when he tells me to do things like 6 kicks off every wall, but the time and effort he puts in for several swimmers is unreal.  Although I say, "Damn you, Rich Williams" under my breath at least a couple times a week (usually, when I have to do lower back extensions) I am truly thankful for the things he does.

Eldest's Middle School Friends - he has always had good friends, but we still worry.  I am thankful he has transitioned so well.

John Oliver - because sometimes, you need someone to remind you that the pandas at the National Zoo need to "take a trip to pound town, pronto".

Middle - for his love of sports jerseys.

Club Tribe - the team and teammates I rarely see, but love dearly, and who keep me motivated, when I am muttering, "Damn you, Rich Williams."

Howard - my sister-in-law seems so happy with "random dude" in her life.

The cats - The Boys love them, even if they drive me batty.

Maya DiRado - for showing us all that perfection is possible

Female Divers in suits that are too small - because I am part of the problem

Youngest - and the teeth that apparently will never grow back

Laura - for coming to visit and giving us a chance to catch up after too many years, and reminding me that great friends are great friends regardless of time or distance.

FaceBook - for letting me keep up with old friends and new.  I enjoy every little thing I learn

This Blog - for letting me ramble from time to time.

My 10-12 Loyal Readers - for loyalty.  I love all of you.

The Wife - for everything and nothing.  Nothing works without her.

I will finish my final Olympics post.  I still need to get my awards and final thoughts into the universe.  I will also come back in less than 3 months, probably with some thoughts on the holidays, and perhaps several swim meets over the next 2 weeks.  For now, even though it is essentially over, I say that I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, with friends and/or family, good times and good food, just not too much.

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