Saturday, November 28, 2015

Post Holiday Thanks - 2015

Yesterday I spent the morning wandering around Colonial Williamsburg, ate lunch at The Cheese Shop, came back to our cottage for a couple hours of rest, ate dinner, went back to Colonial Williamsburg for a Ghost Tour and returned to our cottage.  After all this, while sitting in a chair with a glass of wine in her hand, The Wife, who crashed hard during our "couple hours of rest" looked at me and said, "Hey, you have to blog today!"  Have to.  I would think the one person who understands that this is a hobby and not a "have to" would be the Wife, but there she was, glass of wine in her hand, 2 hour nap in her back pocket, ordering me to get going.

I can't completely blame her.  For the past 3 years, I have posted a blog on how I hate Thanksgiving.  Each year, the Thanksgiving post has become a little more tongue-in-cheek.  I do actually realize Thanksgiving is not the Devil's Holiday.  Regardless of the trend of my Thanksgiving posts, The Wife doesn't like them.  She doesn't like them for a few reasons, but mainly because she LOVES Thanksgiving and because they aren't about the Boys.  This year, not only did she not like the Thanksgiving post, she didn't get it.  When The Wife doesn't get it, I know I missed the mark.  I guess I wasn't on top of my game Thursday.  Kind of like Tony Romo.  At least I came out of it without a fractured collarbone.

I knew Thursday wasn't my best work.  But this year has been a pretty weak year at the Observations of a Suburban Dad Blog, so I plowed through.  I needed to say something.  I needed to get back in the saddle.  The only two consistent subject I have blogged on are the Olympics and Thanksgiving.  We are in that terrible lull of two and a half years between the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics, so I have been a little short.  So it had to be Thanksgiving, whether my best work or not.  Forgive me, I'm on vacation.

Now I give you my annual list of things I am thankful for.  As always, these are in no particular order...really, no particular order.  The first thing on the list this year may be the first thing on the list last year...and the year before, but that's just a coincidence.  Really:

Alex Morgan - Now a World Cup Champion, as well as everything else.

The William and Mary Football Team - for losing last week, giving them a home game this week, instead of a bye.

My Parents - for giving us a week (almost a week) in Williamsburg, getting the family together for Thanksgiving, getting us passes to CW yesterday and, you know, raising me and stuff.

One Direction - for making the Wife feel and act like a teenage girl from time to time, or perhaps even a little more often than that.

The Wife - for finally getting out of bed, 1 hour after everyone else here has finished eating breakfast, and immediately pestering me about blogging.

The Williamsburg Ghost Tour - for giving Eldest a very fun night, Youngest a couple of fun stories and freaking the hell out of Middle.

My Brothers - for coming to Williamsburg for Thanksgiving, playing golf with me and being family .

Cousins - always family no matter what.

Twitter - where to begin?  For this week, I am thankful for Twitter for hashtags.  On Thanksgiving, I devoured the #Iamthankfulfor on Twitter.  I was wildly entertained.  The number of people who are so thankful for One Direction that they have to let people know on Twitter is #hysterical.  Don't they know you should express thanks for One Direction on your blog?  Hashtags are the candy of the social media world.

The Beaver Moon - for providing me endless entertainment on Wednesday and Thursday, and for being quite beautiful.

O4C - for another very busy summer.

Louis Tomlinson - because he's sooooooo cute.

The US Women's Solheim Cup Team - for an epic comeback.

The US President's Cup Team - for not losing.

The US Women's Soccer Team - for winning, in dominant fashion, and getting Abby her World Cup title.  Hey, did you know Jill Ellis went to William and Mary?

Black Friday - this year was a source of entertainment, as Black Friday has turned into a media war of consumerism v. family.  When you spend the day in Colonial Williamsburg on a sunny 70 degree day, in late November, that media war is just fun.  #BlackFriday was also fun yesterday, although a few of those posts were not family friendly.

My 5 loyal readers - you know I love you.

My boys - for being.

The Wife - for everything.

I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.  And if nothing else, apparently it is now OK to put up Christmas decorations.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

I hate Thanksgiving.  I think I have mentioned this before on this blog, once or twice.  I am sitting in a lovely cottage in Williamsburg, VA, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, one of my favorite things to do during the holiday season and I am reminded that I hate Thanksgiving.

In about 2 hours, I will go to a lovely Thanksgiving lunch/dinner/dunch/linner at a tavern in Colonial Williamsburg.  The menu will include prime rib, so I don't have to eat turkey this year.  And I hate Thanksgiving.

Later today, the 3-0 Dallas Romos will play the 10-0 Carolina Panthers in the traditional Dallas Cowboys 4:30 pm Thanksgiving Day game.  Of course, the Dallas Cowboys are 3-7.  They will probably lose, reminding me again that I hate Thanksgiving.

I am in the midst of  5 day mini-vacation in Williamsburg, during which I hope to see an old friend, I may go to a college football playoff game, I get to spend a little time in my old college town, show the boys the old campus (and the new campus - a little bone to you other W&M grads out there), spend some time with family, and relax a little, which is what I am doing this morning.  I still hate Thanksgiving.

At least I am consistent.

As I watch the Parade with the Wife, my boys are in their rooms watching something else.  They used to want to watch the Parade with me...wait a minute.  Middle just came upstairs and asked what channel the Parade is on.  Hmmm...progress?  Maybe they still do want to watch the Parade.  Maybe they just don't want to watch with me.  I hate Thanksgiving.

Yesterday I played golf.  I started very well for me, through 6 holes.  Then I had 3 absolutely blow-up holes (9-7-9), ruining what was a pretty good round up to then.  I had another 9 on the back 9, to finish with about the same score I always get.  I play golf about 5 times/year, but I never get any better.  I just don't understand.  Yesterday was a reminder of that.  I hate Thanksgiving.

The temperature in bright and sunny Williamsburg is supposed to get to 65 degrees today.  After linner/dunch at noon today, we plan to walk around Colonial Williamsburg, which is apparently open today.  It is kind of funny to say that.  How does Colonial Williamsburg close?  Regardless, it should be a lovely day to walk around Colonial Williamsburg.  My mother gave the boys a children's book about Colonial Williamsburg a couple weeks ago, which Middle devoured.  It is always nice when the boys (or even just one of them) gets into something that is not on a TV, a Kindle or a computer.  Middle has several things he wants to see in CW (another bone to you Tribe alums.)  I still hate Thanksgiving.

Tomorrow we are hoping to go to ChristmasTown at Busch Gardens.  We went 3 years ago and everyone had fun.  We rode some rides, had some hot chocolate and enjoyed some lovely Chistmas lights.  I still hate Thanksgiving.

Tomorrow is Black Friday.  That doesn't really mean much to me, because I never go shopping on Black Friday.  Plus, I have already finished almost all of my Christmas shopping for this year.  But there it is, just lingering.  We have commercials, people are going to go shopping and be mean to each other.  I won't be there, but when I wake up at about 7 am tomorrow, I will know that they are  I hate Thanksgiving.  (Speaking of Black Friday, why does everyone complain about the people who have to go to work at some store tonight for pre-Black Friday sales, but no one seems concerned about Matt and Savannah, or the person who will be serving me linner/dunch in Colonial garb at noon today?)

Last night I went to dinner at College Deli in Williamsburg, reminding me of several fond memories from my college days.   The boys enjoyed some pizza and the Wife and I ahd a very nice time with my parent.  College Deli is where I drank my first legal beer at 12:01 am on April 7, 1993.  It was fun to remember dome of the good days, especially those crazy times we had at the Brickhouse Deli (hi, Soupy!)  I hate Thanksgiving.

I would like to complain more, but I have to go shower for linner/dunch with my whole family, including my brother's family who are visiting from Texas. We are all eating dinner together.  The cousins get to spend some time together.  Then we will do the walking through Williamsburg.  Then we will watch the game together.  Then more fun for the weekend.  I hate Thanksgiving.

I do have to go tomorrow.  This was my widely anticipated "Why Thanksgiving is the worst holiday of the year" post.  Tomorrow I will stop being so negative and give you what I am thankful for this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!