Thursday, July 26, 2012


And they have.  Although the opening ceremonies are still 2 days away, Olympic competition has begun!  Jump up and do a little dance.  Today begins the women's futbol competition.  Tomorrow the men's.  Friday archery.  Archery was at one time a candidate for my Summer Olympic Obscure Sport, but I think it has fallen out of the running.  For the record, does track cycling count as an obscure sport?  I'm leaning no.  Well, I have two more days to make my selection.

But the games have begun.  In today's action, the US women gave up two goals to the French in the first 15 minutes.  Things looked bleak.  The action that resulted in the second French goal resembled my 8 year old boys team this past spring.  A bunch of people, standing in the same spot, wildly swinging their legs at a ball and accomplishing almost nothing.  Then some French chick came in and slammed the ball into the back of the net.  Hope Solo made a great dive, but had no chance.  I feared every corneer kick after that display.

And then came Abby Wambach.  And let's be honest, are there truer words than "And then came Abby Wambach"?  Those words make me think of the Gladiator quote:  "At my signal, unleash hell!"  If you are talking about women's soccer and you say "And then came Abby Wambach" aren't you really conveying the message that hell was unleashed?  After scoring, Wambach was yelling at her teammates.  She didn't really celebrate, she knew there was more work to be done.  Abby is not a particularly attractive woman.  But I must admit, watching her score and fire up her teammates, basically, watching her unleash hell, she is damn sexy.  Wambach put in a typical Abby goal, a tough header from a set piece.  Then the floodgates opened.  Alex Morgan, she of the painted on bathing suit, scored twice. Alex is always damn sexy.   And the US women ran away with a 4-2 victory, or shall we say "Victoire!"

Tomorrow the US men's team begi...what's that?  We didn't make it in men's soccer?  Oh.  Hmm.  Honduras made it?  Instead of us?  A teeny Central American country of 8 million people? With a history of political upheaval and civil war?   Well, that makes sense.  I guess we have archery to look forward to on Friday.  At least we have an archery team in the Olympics.  That ought to boost TV ratings.

Local Sports Update - Eldest has a winter swim tryout/evaluation tonight.  That's right, I'm pushing him.  (Ironically, I am more excited for the day my boys beat my best times in swimming than I am for the day they beat me.  I will hold out that I am faster than them head to head as long as possible, but then try to accelerate from when they beat the 40+ me to when they are faster than the 20-22 year old me.  Is that weird?)  Delaware update will be coming, but I don't have time today.  Also, season summary of Virginia, including the next Ryan Lochte.

Todays Olympic Story Line - Beach Volleyball.  Specifically Women's Beach Volleyball.  Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor will be seeking their third straight Olympic gold medals in Women's Beach Volleyball.  I have watched many of their olympic matches (and not one of their non-olympic matches) over the last 8 years.  I enjoy them because they are really good, and they seem to enjoy what they are doing.  Their celebration after winning the gold in 2004 was nothing short of a male fantasy.  Two attractive, fit women rolling around in the sand, awkwardly displaying affection for each other in skimpy bikinis.  The climax was when Misty smacked Kerri on the ass.  Their celebration in 2008 was a tad less borderline pornographic, but arguably more enjoyable to watch.  The shock and joy they expressed after accomplishing something everyone expected them to accomplish is why we try to get our kids to play sports.  It is fun.  And it is great to see people who compete in sports as a job recognize that it is fun.

There is, however, more to the Women's Beach Volleyball than May-Treanor and Walsh Jennings.  There are the aforementioned skimpy bikinis.  Beach volleyball became an instant favorite Olympic sport of many people, including broadcasters, because of the fun and excitement, and the skimpy bikinis.  They  even added cheerleaders just to bring in a bit more spice. This is all fine and dandy in the oven that is Atlanta, Georgia in August, but London can be cold and rainy.  There is talk that the women may cover up.  What effect will this have on viewership and the viewing experience?  Hard to say, but do not fret.  I promise I will watch Women's Beach Volleyball and give you a full report.  Yes, I am a giver.

That's it for Wednesday.  More to come on Thursday.  Here's what you have to look forward to in the future:

1.  Delaware update - I promise to get to it soon.
2.  VA local summer summary.
3.  More promises of my predictions.
4.  My predictions.
5.  Naked pictures of Alex Morgan - no, wait, those are only in my mind.
6.  Opening ceremonies - Friday night.
7.  Showdown #1 - Saturday (Men's 400 IM - Lochte-Phelps.)

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