Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Random Observations

It has been a while.  I have a few drafts started, but need some additional inspiration to finish my thoughts.  I had set a goal not to let too much time go between posts, so to fulfill my goal, I offer the following random observations on sports, parenthood, suburban life and fat old men:

- The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater won the Division III national championship in baseball yesterday.  They won the Division III national championship in men's basketball earlier this year and the Division III national championship in football last fall.  That's a pretty impressive athletic year for the Warhawks.

- A winter of snow, ice and cold in the mid-Atlantic creates a spring of potholes.

- Memorial Day weekend may be the best weekend of the year.  My three boys went to the pool all three days and were as happy as they could be.  The Wife and I grilled all three nights and had three fantastic dinners.  I even drank a couple beers to celebrate.

- That said, I am reminded of my brother-in-law-in-law (my brother's wife's brother) who was killed in action in Iraq almost eight years ago.  Memorial Day is a wonderful holiday weekend, the beginning of summer, and should be enjoyed.  Just take a moment to remember what we are celebrating, or remembering.

- Unfortunately, Memorial Day is not really the beginning of summer.  All three boys had to go back to school on Tuesday, quite exhausted.  Only four weeks of school left.  Only...yeah, right.

- I don't know if the crazy weather we have had the last several years is global warming related or not.  I do know that Eldest does not like having soccer practice cancelled by thunderstorms, an event of increasing frequency these last couple of weeks.

- Thunderstorms also don't help summer swim practice.  For some reason, outdoor pools close when thunder is heard.

- If the Miami Heat win their third straight NBA title in the next couple of weeks, Middle will become unbearable and Eldest might kill him.  This morning, Middle was upset because Eldest told him, "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE STUPID HEAT!"  All I could think to say was, "Don't call them stupid."

- If the Heat lose I should probably temper my glee.  I am not a Heat fan, so I don't want them to lose, and Middle needs some humbling, but trash talking to my devastated seven your old son seems unseemly.

- The World Cup begins in three weeks.  I have considered doing an Olympics-like World Cup month, but I don't have it in me.  I am looking forward to the games and will cover the US team with gusto, but I can't do every day.

- Yesterday was the first summer swim practice and a new parents' meeting for the local summer swim team.  I think anyone who can swim a little can benefit from summer swimming, both in swimming ability and socialized fun.  However, some of these people are going to get a pretty fast lesson in the difference between a kid who can swim pretty well and a swimmer.  They aren't the same thing, by a lot.

- If the last few days and the weather report for next week are any sign, the mild summer we experienced last year was an anomoly.

- My former swim coach convinced me I needed a pair of fins for when I swim.  He then gave me a pair, which was a good way to get me to use them.  I wear them when I am doing kick sets and for about 1/3 of my swimming.  They make me feel fast.  I'm not fast, but at least I feel fast.

- College girls softball is fun to watch.  They almost all look very athletic.  They almost all have long hair pulled back into an extremely tight pony tail.  They almost all wear a bow in that hair, I guess to emphasize the point that they are girls.  Almost every team has a couple of players who are certainly worth the time to look at, too.  I give it a 7.5 out of 10.

- Rest in Peace, US Tennis.

- If you are going to throw out the ceremonial first pitch of a baseball game, please, please please, practice.

- For the past month and a half, I have been swimming twice a week during Eldest's practices.  I have worked my way up to 3000 yards, which I feel good about.  Of course, Eldest's practice schedule has now changed, so that is over.

- Middle has decided he wants to wear a "Speedo" (little tiny bathing suit):

this year instead of jammers:

He is very proud.  He doesn't understand why people tell him he looks funny.  For the record, Middle doesn't look like Ryan Lochte wearing his "Speedo", but I thought I would throw a bone to the Wife, and other female readers.

- But, to be fair, Chloe Sutton:

- Is it ironic that Middle is in a play about the rights of bugs and the exterminator came to our house last week?

- Baseball is a long, long season...

- That somehow doesn't seem as long as the NHL playoffs.

- Maybe I am just bitter that the Caps failed to make it.

- Stanley Tucci makes everything better.

- Is it possible Mark Cuban would make a great president?

- Youngest loves the pool.  He is teaching himself to swim and does backflips in the water.  This has shamed many an older child.

- I love the day I discovered the Vevo Channel on Roku.  I regret the day I introduced "Everyboby (Backstreet's Back)" to my boys.  Although seeing the three of them dancing to the song in Eldest's room last night was one of those small, cherished moments of parenthood.

- I bought some mirrored goggles at the swim store over the weekend.  Those plus the fins make me look cool.  Ok, maybe not, but give me something.

- It is almost impossible to watch The Hunger Games:  Catching Fire, without the song Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys going through your head at some point.

- Lance Stephenson has admitted that trash talking LeBron James was a mistake.  Ya think?

- Rory McIlroy split up with Caroline Wozniaki and won his first tournament of the year a week later.  Caroline lost in the first round of the French Open.  That's pretty much all you need to know about that relationship.  I'd gladly console Caroline, though.

- Things to look forward to in the next three months:  Tour de France; Men's and Women's US Opens in back-to-back weeks, both from Pinehurst No. 2; Wimbledon; NBA Draft (Middle can't wait); World Cup; Michael Phelps continuing to swim; summer weather and scantily clad people; my limited time as the father of a teenage girl; the eventual end of hockey playoffs; the eventual end of basketball playoffs; more baseball; more baseball; even more baseball; and much, much more.

Enjoy the summer.  I'll be back, soon.

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