Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, Part 2

I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.  As I stated just a couple of days ago, whether I have a nice Thanksgiving depends in large part on whether the Cowboys win.  Despite coughing up the ball on the opening kick-off return and falling behind by scores of 7-0 and 21-7, they won, so my Thanksgiving was fine.

I didn't intend to post again on my least favorite holiday, but I received some criticism for my last post.  Apparently, some people like Thanksgiving and found my less than enthusiastic opinion of our consumeristic, gluttony-filled holiday a tad off-putting.  This despite pointing out how the day of gluttony and football is slowly being overtaken by holiday sales.  I have enjoyed the evolution of "Black Friday" sales.  It began with big sales on holiday hours the day after Thanksgiving.  Then opening moved to 6 am, 5 am and 4 am.  A few years ago, someone decided they could open at midnight.  Eventually they moved it back to 10 pm Thursday, 8 pm Thursday and now, for many stores, 6 pm on Thursday.  I imagine we are no more than 10 years away from sales starting at 6 am on Thursday, perhaps with stores closing from noon to 6 pm, so people can overstuff themselves on a bird that tastes so good I don't know anyone who eats it as a meal on any other day of the year except for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  But I digress.

So, in the interest of taking the holiday back, finding its true meaning and throwing something positive on the day (other than a Cowboys victory, of which many of you do not share my enthusiasm), I give you my not complete list of things I am Thankful for (in no particular order).

Alex Morgan - for being today's blatantly obvious example that you can be a world class athlete and smoking hot at the same time...and not play tennis.

The Weather - for variety, heat, water, air and making my Anti-Diving Insider complain regularly about snow.

Snow - for bringing unparalleled joy to my three boys, as well as the occasional, unexpected day off for the family.

My three boys - for giving me a full rainbow of emotions, from elation to anger.

The US Men's National Soccer Team - for qualifying for Brazil 2014.

The Management Company at my office building - for not turning the heat on today, giving us an excuse to close early.

Darth Vader - for being the baddest man in the universe, and reminding us that it is never too late to realize the error of your ways.

A House - because you need a place to crash at night.

TiVO - possibly the greatest invention ever.

Chipotle - possibly the best restaurant ever.

Paula Creamer - for giving me a reason to love the color pink.

Michael Phelps - for showing us that the impossible is possible.

LeBron James - for being Middle's favorite athlete; I have no idea why.

Stuffed Animals - for always making things better.

The Rookery - for always being there, being faithful and being windy.

Chantilly High School Cross Country Team - for giving me a reason to follow high school sports.

Summer Swimming - for memories, fun, competition, socialization and turning Youngest into a dictator.

Daniel Snyder - for idiocy and incompetence.

The Wife - for just being her.

Friends and Family - for making life worth living.

Viggo Mortensen, Chris Hemsworth and David Boreanaz - for making the Wife feel like a teenage girl again.

Katy Perry - because she's a firework.

Hoosiers - for being the best sports movie ever.

Cherry Coke - no explanation needed.


The Washington Wizards - for reminding me, and any other Wizards fan, that mediocrity is sometimes an admirable goal.

Enjoy Black Friday.  And remember, sometimes mediocrity is an admirable goal.

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