Sunday, September 23, 2012

Where is the time?

Yesterday I woke up, cleaned the kitchen, fed the kids, went to a soccer game, went home for lunch, coached a soccer game, picked up a child from selling popcorn, crashed for 10 minutes, went to buy Cub Scout uniforms, went to pick up new glasses, went grocery shopping, ate dinner, bathed three kids, put three kids to bed and then, basically, died.  Today, I woke up, showered, went to church, checked a map for my afternoon activity, and then started to write this.  After this, I will eat lunch, go to a swim team parents' meeting, do a little house cleaning, eat dinner, then go coach winter swim, before, basically, dying again.  Weekends are not exactly relaxing.

The biggest problem with this weekend thing is I have let this blog go a bit.  It has turned into little more than football picks.  For that, I apologize.  I have some ideas to get it back going again, but they won't happen today.  I will put a higher priority on it starting this week, but for today, I need to get my picks in before lunch, so I can go to the parents' meeting.  Those of you with itty bitty babies who think life is much busier have no idea what you have in store for you in about 6 years.  That is assuming you can avoid whooping cough.  Those of you with 4-5 kids all of activity age, well, I sympathize and empathize.  I would say I don't know how you do it, but I do.  The same way I do my slightly easier life, you just do it.  And hope everyone survives.

NY Giants @ Carolina(-2.5) - Honestly, I didn't commit to this game before Thursday night.  I did, however, pick the Giants to win outright in my office pool, so I am going to take credit for getting 2.5 points.  Why was Carolina favored?  NYG

St. Louis @ Chicago(-7) - Jay Cutler reverted to his former self against GB.  Again proving that my predictions are quite bad.  StL

Tampa Bay @ Dallas(-8)- Since Jimmy Johnson's footprint on this team has faded, the Cowboys have been a team perceived to have decent talent that under-achieves.  Showed that again last week.  Maybe they should try a different story after 15 years.  TB

San Francisco(-7) @ Minnesota - My prediction about SF being the classic drop back team this year may have been just a touch off.  SF

Detroit(-3.5) @ Tennessee - San Francisco isn't St. Louis, but Tennesse probably is.  Det

Cincinnati @ Washington(-3) - Redskins opening day victory over New Orleans is looking pretty unimpressive after the Saints got thrubbed by Carolina.  Cin

New York Jets(-2.5) @ Miami - I still say Miami could go winless this year.  NYJ

Kansas City(-8.5) @ New Orleans - If you had New Orleans as the last NFC team to win a game this season, stand up and take a bow.  Stop lying.  KC

Buffalo(-3) @ Cleveland - For the last 5 years, these two teams have been seen as potential break-out teams.   Should be the same for about 15 more.  Buf

Jacksonville @ Indianapolis(-3) - The king is dead.  Long live the king.  Ind

Philadelphia(-3) @ Arizona - The Eagles can't win every game by 1 this year, can they?  Ari

Atlanta(-3) @ San Diego - Atlanta looks like a true Super Bowl team.  SD is coached by Norv Turner.  (Yes, I am going to beat this dead horse more and more and more and more.)  Atl

Houston(-2) @ Denver - Peyton Manning was trying to remind Denver of the Jay Cutler days last Monday.  Of course, how many QBs can throw 3 picks in 4 passes and still lose by only 7?  Hou

Pittsburgh(-3.5) @ Oakland - Pittsburgh may be old, but you lose to Miami by 176, you don't deserve to be only a 3.5 point dog to Ben Rothlesburger.  Pit

New England @ Baltimore(-2.5) - The only prediction I made that looks good is that Belichick is a better cheater than coach.  Bal

Green Bay(-3) @ Seattle - Sorry Seattle, GB ain't Dallas.  This win streak ends.  GB

Last Week:  7-8-1

Season:  16-15-1

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Everybody PANIC!!!

The nature of football is perfect for over-analysis and over-reaction.  Each team plays one game per week.  After that game, fans have anywhere from 4 to 15 days to over-react to what they just saw. Of course, if you look at football long term, you will realize that what happens in one individual week has little bearing on the whole picture.  To fully appreciate a football team, you must observe the aggregate of many games and reach conclusions based on trends.

I'll give you an example.  Last season in the season opener for each team, the Washington Redskins defeated the New York Giants 28-14.  Rex Grossman, the starting quarterback for the Skins completed 21 of 34 passes for 305 yards and two touchdowns.  From this game, you would conclude, and Redskins fans did conclude, that Rex Grossman was the answer at quarterback, that Mike Shanahan was the greatest coach ever and that the Skins were once again on their way to Super Bowl glory.  Of course, Redskin fans have spent the last 20 years entering the month of September convinced that their team was destined for Super Bowl glory, but that is another issue they have to deal with.

The reality, as we learned over a 16 game season, is that Rex Grossman gives to defensive backs more generously than Santa gives to children, Mike Shanahan is the beneficiary of having coached the greatest quarterback ever and the Skins ended their season just where they have every year since 1991, buried in a sea of disappointment deeper than that of Wizards fans.  And let's be honest, Wizards fans are buried pretty deep.  We also learned that Eli Manning made a pact with the devil when he was 17 years old, and has been rewarded with more Super Bowl rings than his clearly superior in every way brother and two Super Bowl victories over dreamy Tom Brady.  I hope eternity in damnation is worth it.

As you can see, not only is football perfect for over-reaction, but Week 1 is the Everest of the over-reaction weeks.  Here is what we "learned" after one week of NFL Football:

1.  Mike Vick is more giving than Ron Mexico, and Ron Mexico was giving all sorts of stuff away.
2.  Peyton Manning is the greatest quarterback of all time.
3.  San Francisco's defense is better than the Steel Curtain.
4.  Robert Griffin III is actually better than Peyton Manning.
5.  Pittsburgh's defense is older than the Dead Sea.
6.  The NFC West is worse than the ACC Coastal Division.
7.  I can't predict very well.
8.  Cleveland sucks.  Brandon Weeden is o-l-d.
9.  Baltimore is the best team in the NFL.  Except perhaps the Skins.
10.  Aaron Rogers's best days are behind him.
11.  Ryan Lochte is GORGEOUS.
12.  Mark Sanchez and the Jets are the return of Dan Fouts and the San Diego...Super-Chargers.
13.  Norv Turner can actually coach.
14.  Chicks dig scars.
15.  The Washington Nationals are better without Stephen Strasburg.

Now, some of this may be true (see the Vick thing and the Lochte thing.)  Some of these are clearly over-reactions to a single incident (like the "I can't predict well" thing and the chicks digging scars thing.)  We did, however, have a full slate of Sunday games, two Monday games and a full week to freak out.  And, God as my witness, boy did people freak out.  Here in Washington, the town is ready to turn Griffin into Dictator for Life.  After one game.  Over a team without their head coach, their interim head coach and two key defensive players.  I thought New Orleans would step up and play with a chip on their shoulder.  I was wrong, hence the "bad predicting" over-reaction mentioned above.  So, we can't be sure whether Griffin really is Steve Young, John Elway, Troy Aikman, Carl Lewis and Muhammed Ali  rolled up into the same person, or if New Orleans is this year's winner of the Most Dysfunctional Pro Sports Franchise Award (won the last 4 years by Les Boulez).  We won't know for a long time.

So just relax.  Vick isn't the worst quarterback in the league and I didn't get every prediction wrong.  And, we get to come back and try again.  While, of course, being influenced by various over-reactions

Chicago @ Green Bay(-5) - I wouldn't put Aaron Rogers and the Green Bay Packers into an 0-2 hole, would I?  I wouldn't buy into the hype that Green Bay's defense is as stout as the French Army and Jay Cutler is going to take his considerable physical skills and combine them with a knack for quarterbacking, thereby ending the possible and inevitable comparisons to Jeff George, would I?  Yes I would.  Chi.

Arizona @ New England(-13.5) - Never take a double digit favorite in the NFL...unless they are playing Arizona.  NE.

Tampa Bay @ New York Giants(-8) - Eli, the Devil is calling.  Losing to Tony Romo does not get you out of your deal.  NYG.

Minnesota(-3) @ Indianapolis - If you are consistently bad, you get Adrian Peterson and Christian Ponder.  If you are REALLY bad at the right time, you get Andrew Luck or Tim Duncan.  Ind.

New Orleans(-3) @ Carolina - Here is my over-reaction of the week.  If you give up 40 points to the Skins one week, you shouldn't be a road favorite the next week.  Car.

Kansas City @ Buffalo(-3) - If you give up 48 points to Mark Sanchez, you shouldn't be favored over anyone who isn't quarterbacked by Brandon Weeden.  Even Matt Cassell.  KC.

Baltimore @ Philadelphia(-3) - One team needed a last minute touchdown to overcome a 4 int performance by their quarterback and beat Cleveland, the armpit of America and the NFL.  The other team methodically destroyed a 2011 playoff team.  Which is favored?  Vegas has a lot more money than me, so I guess they know something I don't, but...Bal.

Oakland(-1.5) @ Miami - This is the game this week.  I have nothing to say.  Oak.

 Cleveland @ Cincinnati(-7) - College football rivalries give special trophies for winning rivalry games, like Paul Bunyan's Axe for Minn-Wis., the Old Oaken Bucket for Indiana-Purdue and the Jeweled Shillelagh for Notre Dame-USC.  The winner of Cleveland-Cincinnati gets to shine Tom Brady's shoes at the end of the season.  Cin

Houston(-6.5) @ Jacksonville - Maurice Jones-Drew has learned that being the best offensive player on the worst offense in the league is not grounds for a contract renegotiation.  Arian Foster learned that being the third best offensive player on a top offense gets you a big payday.  Life just ain't fair.  Hou.

Dallas(-3) @ Seattle - Dallas either wins big or loses this game.  You know they won't kick a game winning field goal at the end.  Dal.

Washington(-3.5) @ St. Louis - Perhaps St.Louis should have considered keeping the second pick and trading Sam Bradford.  Was.

New York Jets @ Pittsburgh(-4.5) - I'm going with the theory that the Jets team that couldn't score in the pre-season is the real J-E-T-S!  Jets!  Jets!  Jets!  Five weeks to Tebow Time.  Pit

Tennessee @ San Diego(-6.5) - Norv Turner.  'Nuff said.  Ten.

Detroit @ San Francisco(-7) - If you get this game, be prepared to watch a video of one lunatic shaking hands with one uptight jack-ass about 932 times.  And then see the most irrelevant handshake in history after the game is over.  SF.

Denver @ Atlanta(-3) - Peyton Manning is what Matt Ryan should aspire to be - a great QB who spent part of his career with a reputation for not being able to win the big one before winning a Super Bowl.  But Ryan isn't Peyton.  Atl.

Last Week: 9-7
Season:  9-7

What to Watch For -

1.  Fall television season begins.  I don't care, because I only watch about 4 shows per week, but I am here to point out the obvious, if nothing else.

2.  Will the Phillies be this year's St. Louis Cardinals?  Or just the latest Philadelphia sports team to play Lucy to the fans' Charlie Brown?

3.  Will Middle score two goals and force an own goal in every soccer game he plays this year (pulled the same move yesterday)?

4.  Can I get back on a better posting schedule?

Fat Old Man Update - Lost my Olympics inspired momentum.  Looking to find a way back, starting today.  We started church again today.  There is something poetic about renewing my commitment to my spiritual self and my physical self at the same time.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 1 Full Slate

You are looking a computer screen...or a smartphone..or a tablet...or something.  I used to love Brent Musburger's opening of the CBS NFL pre-game show with a "You are looking live..." for each game CBS was covering that day.  I thought it would be appropriate to open this year with his classic call.  It doesn't really work when we are all looking at a computer screen, or some other electronic device, but it is still fun.

Of course, before we get to see various NFL stadiums and games "live", we had to witness the great American suburban tradition - the beginning of the fall soccer season.  Eldest and Middle began their soccer seasons yesterday at various levels of suburban, youth soccer.  We began our fall season with Middle, who turned 6 on Friday.  The advantage to an early September birthday is that the cut-off date is August 1, so he is one of the oldest players on his team.  The disadvantage is he had to start a year later than planned, and is playing with kids a year behind him in school, including the younger brother of one of his classmates.  So, he can be the diva of the team.  Yesterday I watched my middle child play the perfect role of a South American striker.  He didn't even pretend to play defense.  He stood around basically watching until the ball found itself in the right position.  Then he struck like a cobra.  He went straight to the ball, advanced down field and put it in the goal.  This technique worked for two scored goals and one forced own goal.  Christiano Ronaldo - watch out.

I missed Eldest's game because I was busy with a volunteer obligation.  It is amazing how your life disappears when your children start to grow up.  All new parents think a baby changes their lives.  And it does in some ways.  But you do still have some flexibility.  Once they reach about 6, especially when two of them have reached 6, weekends are nothing more than a non-stop run of youth sports, volunteer obligations and food shopping.  I did hear about the game, though.  Eldest volunteered to play goalie.  I thought that would make my Volleyball Insider proud, until he confessed that he wanted to play goalie so he didn't have to run as much.  He let in three, but apparently had 8 saves, including a few good ones.

Youth soccer is an interesting sport.  If one child is aggressive and mildly skilled, he or she can dominate a game up to at least the age of 8.  I have watched multiple seasons of passive defense.  The number of times I have told a player, as both a coach and a parent to go get the ball, instead of running near the player with the ball is enough to make me drive my head through a wooden fence.  Child after child running right next to or in front of an opposing player, making no effort to take the ball.  These kids spend their entire lives as selfish little materialists, then become generous observers on a soccer field.  Ahhhh!

As weekend turns from Saturday to Sunday, we go from youth futbol to professional football.  Week 1:

Indianapolis @ Chicago(-10) - The Colts made the decision to let their last 12 years go to set themselves up for their next 12 years.  Ultimately, I think it was the right choice.  Of course, lightning doesn't strike twice, so Andrew Luck will not be as good as Peyton Manning.  For week 1, Andrew Luck, meet Julius Peppers.  Toto, I don't think we're in Palo Alto anymore.  Chi.

Philadelphia(-9.5) @ Cleveland - Typically a home team gets three points on the line.  So the line tells us Philly is 12.5 points better than Cleveland.  Is Vegas trying to lose money?  Cleveland has been trying to figure out how to win football games since John Elway ripped their hearts out with "The Drive".  In the meantime, Art Modell, may he rest in peace, did Elway one better by taking the Browns to Baltimore, and winning a Super Bowl there.  As for the 2012 Browns, I'm not sure starting a rookie quarterback who can remember when Kurt Cobain was alive is the recipe for success. Phi

Buffalo @ New York Jets (-3) - Tim Tebow Watch:  6 weeks until The Chosen One is starting for the Jets.  Buf

Washington @ New Orleans (-7.5) - This line is more ridiculous than the Philly line.  New Orleans will be playing with fire coming out of their asses.  I just wish they had the sense of humor to give each other Monopoly money after big hits.  (They might, but the League doesn't.)  Robert Griffin III, you're not in Waco anymore.  NO

New England (-5) @ Tennessee - Maybe Belichick is just a better cheater than a coach.  NE

Jacksonville @ Minnesota (-3.5) - Every week in the NFL there is one game so non-descript that I have nothing to say about it.  This week, it is this one.  So, I have nothing to say.  Min

Miami @ Houston (-13) - Too bad Detroit went 0-16 a few years ago.  It would have been poetic justice if Miami became the first 0-16 team to go along with their 17-0 team in 1972.  They could do it this year.  Hou

St. Louis @ Detroit(-8.5) - Detroit could go far this year, if half their team doesn't get suspended by Thanksgiving.  StL

Atlanta(-2.5) @ Kansas City -  In the battle of the Matts this weekend, I'll take Ryan.  Atl

San Francisco @ Green Bay(-4.5) - SF has the look of the classic drop back team this year.  They pulled a big surprise last year, coming within one game of the Super Bowl behind a great defense, a rookie coach and a resurgent top overall draft pick.  This year, they should go about 8-8.  Of course, they play in a division worse than the ACC Coastal Division, so by default, they will win 10 games.  GB

Carolina(-2.5) @ Tampa Bay - Washington fans like to think that Robert Griffin is like Cam Newton.  Other than the 6'5 and built like a stone wall, National Championship in college and proven success in the NFL thing, they are right.  Car

Seattle(-2.5) @ Arizona - There are 5 rookies starting at QB this week:  Weeden in Cleveland against Philly, a favorite to make the Super Bowl in the NFC; Tannehill in Miami against Houston, a favorite to make the Super Bowl in the AFC; Griffin in Washington against NO, a favorite to make the Super Bowl in the NFC; Luck in Indy against Chicago, a legitimate playoff contender; and Russell Wilson in Seattle against Arizona, a favorite to regret their big QB move of the last couple years even more than Seattle.  I...I guess this explains why a team with a losing record last year, starting a rookie QB is a road favorite in week 1.  Ari

Pittsburgh @ Denver(-1.5) - Pittsburgh couldn't beat Denver with Tebow as QB.  Not sure why they would have a better chance with Manning there.  Den

Cincinnati @ Baltimore(-7) - I think the 11th Commandment is "Cincinnati shalt not have back to back winning seasons." Cin

San Diego @ Oakland(-1) - I want Norv Turner's job.  Repeatedly fall short of expectations, never seem to have to pay for it.  SD

Enjoy the games.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

NFL Week 1 - Wednesday Game

This whole Wednesday game is going to throw me off.  I can't believe the NFL changed the game for the President.  That was a gift to the Democrats.  If they put a New York Giants v. Dallas Cowboys game up against the President's speech the game would lose not one decimal point of ratings.  But half the 37 people watching the convention would switch to the game.  This is not political, the same would be true for the Republicans.  I say this because I am simply unprepared to pick all 16 NFL games right now.  But I have to get my pick in for this game.  So this will be my shortest post ever.

Dallas @ NEW YORK GIANTS (-3.5) - Several years ago, actually a bit more than a decade ago I sent NFL picks to a few friends just for fun.  At that time, Eli Manning was at Ole Miss and I designated him as "Our Hero".  In addition to a few comments on the NFL games, I gave a summary of the results of "Our Hero".  Sadly, "Our Hero" was drafted by the Giants.  I am a Cowboys fan and my entire audience was made up of Eagles fans (hmmm...not much has changed in 15 years), so "Our Hero" became our enemy.  For a few years that was fine.  Eli put up some good games and some real stinkers.  He was always good for 4-5 bone-headed interceptions each year.  Then he started winning Super Bowls.  So now he is "Our Nemesis".  It continues tonight.

Dallas on the other hand is the exact opposite of synergy.  The Cowboys whole is equal to less than the sum of its parts.  Some will say this isn't true and that the "talent" on the Cowboys just isn't as good as people, particularly Cowboys fans, think they.  There may be some merit to this, but truthfully, I think they are just a bunch of arrogant jack-asses who think that because they are the Dallas Cowboys they should win, regardless of how hard they try or work.  Meanwhile, Tom Coughlin and the G-Men put on their hard hats and work hard every year, every game, and get a lot more out of their lemons than any other team.  Thus two Super Bowls in 5 years.  Keep in mind, I am a Cowboys fan.

That said, I will have faith that the Cowboys will get close enough to make this game a disappointment.  I see something like a missed field goal at the end, or a Giants field goal to win by one.  Giants win.  Cowboys cover.

The rest of the week will be covered on a later date.  Enjoy the opening of the NFL season.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The End of Summer

I grew up in the Commonwealth of Virginia, which is such an arrogant state that it insists on calling itself a Commonwealth, rather than a state.  There are five Commonwealths, I believe, and if you asked me to name them, I am pretty sure I could, but I will leave that as a little trivia question for you.  Here's a hint, one of them isn't one of the 50 states.  I bring this up for one real reason and one manufactured reason.  The manufactured reason is so I can call Virginia arrogant and subtly mock my home state for being a bunch of jack-asses.  The real reason is that most school systems in Virginia begin the new school year the day after Labor Day, so Labor Day truly is the end of summer.

I read a few years ago that the law stating that public schools will open after Labor Day is called the Kings Dominion Rule.  Kings Dominion is a theme park just north of Richmond that apparently lobbies the state legislature to keep schools closed until Labor Day, so kids can continue to go to the park right up until the last moment.  Even on "school days".  Labor Day is also the traditional closing of the pool day.  I just left my pool, which officially closes for the season in 19 minutes.  By the time I post this, the pool will be closed until late May.  Labor Day may as well be called "Black Monday" in my house.  That is how I felt about it when I was a kid.  End of pool, beginning of school.  Black Monday.

For the past few years, my family has gone on vacation the week before Labor Day weekend.  That really makes Labor Day feel like the end of summer.  The parents are coming off a week of vacation, the kids are coming off summer vacation and the pool is closed.  Here we are.  Black Monday.

Vacation as a parent is an interesting time.  We all agreed that this past week was the best vacation we have had as a family.  We went to Myrtle Beach, which we have done for the past 3-4 years.  This was the first summer two of our boys loved the ocean.  Eldest has always loved the ocean.  The very first day we took him to the ocean, when he was about 17 months old, he was cautious.  The next day, we turned our backs for a few seconds to unfold a couple chairs, and when we looked back he was running, already halfway to the water.  We learned that day not to turn our backs on him.  This year, he liked to go out where the water came up to his shoulders.  Still can't turn our backs on that one.

Middle has always loved the sand, but wanted nothing to do with the ocean.  This year he became a new person.  He loved the ocean and was absolutely crazy.  He ran around in the water; he jumped the waves; he got knocked over and came up laughing.  He even wanted to look for fish and crabs in the water.  I'm not sure what got into him, but it was fun.

Youngest did not like the ocean.  He really didn't like the sand for about half the trip either.  He did like making lobster sand molds.  So he was happy from time to time making an army of lobsters around him.  I can only presume that the army was intended to protect him from the sea.  He did come around a little in the end.  He would let his mother carry him into the water.  I guess that is what we have to call progress.

We also took our children on a time honored family vacation trip - the tourist destination.  We took a day away from the Atlantic and the pools to drive to Charleston and go to Fort Sumter and the USS Yorktown, a World War II air craft carrier.  I remember my parents dragging me to various tourist destinations as a child and almost always being miserable.  My wife has more positive memories of tourist destinations.  Our boys did OK, but I think they probably think we were trying to torture them.  They did enjoy the boat ride to and from Fort Sumter.  I personally loved the day and enjoyed the boat ride, the Fort and the Yorktown.  I think parents take their kids to places the parents want to see and justify it as a learning experience for the kids.  The boys did like the planes on the air craft carrier.  So I got that going for me.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end.  Vacation, summer, pool, weekend.  All we have left is Black Monday.  I was just talking to the Wife about how Labor Day really is the worst day of the year.  I know many people start school before Labor Day, so to them, this is a holiday to be enjoyed.  A small break from the beginning of school, but to kids in the Commonwealth (there it is again), Black Monday.

As for me, I found vacation to be relatively relaxing and a complete break from any attempts to exercise.  Vacation can be good or bad for me from the exercise perspective.  If I go with the right attitude and some momentum, I have, in the past, exercised quite frequently.  If I have a bad attitude, it can all fade away faster than an early morning fog.  At this particular resort, the swimming option is tough.  They have a pool that is rectangular in shape and does have lines on the bottom, but there are no lane ropes.  It is attached to other pools where people play.  Those people are usually children between the ages of 8 and 14.  I have swum in this pool before.  Those children pay no attention to what is going on around them and often interrupt my swimming.  I do not like this.  Outwardly, I stay calm.  Inside I imagine new and interesting ways to drown them.  I am good enough and comfortable enough in water to drown them.  I never would, but I imagine it.  This year, I didn't want to imagine drowning random children.  So I took the week off.  I could have run, but I didn't.  I found myself justifying things like walking around an air craft carrier or carrying a three year old up four flights of steps as my exercise.  Then I rewarded myself with a Cherry Coke.  There were lots of rewards.

Back to Black Monday.  I got back in the water today.  I didn't want to.  I planned to just skip it.  But I knew I needed to post, and Black Monday just seemed a little bit more the end of everything if I got one more "free" swim in.  Now I need to come up with something else to do or bite the bullet and start paying for pool time.  We will see what happens.

I hope Black Monday was good to you.  In the next several months we will explore the beginnings of school, fall sports, and more life as a suburban dad.  And continue to see if the Suburban Dad can find the time and motivation to exercise.

Things to Watch For:

Week One of my NFL Picks against the spread.  That means no more 10 day gaps between posts.

Summer Wrap-Up.  I'll get to it.